Tuesday, June 20, 2023

More stupid people

I knew there was a reason I mentioned church on Sunday! There was a couple there and they were celebrating their 76th anniversary!

They were both in their late nineties and had a live-in carer but what an achievement.

And in response to PipeTobacco's question, no, I'm no closer to getting a dog. Husband remains adamant. A friend suggested I play the mental health card. "A dog would be very good for my mental health." I tried it to no avail.

I have to content myself with watching golden retriever Facebook clips, and occasionally walking the grand-dogs. But it's not the same.

I mention this because I just had a phone call. Tempted though I was to ignore it I felt I should answer. Dragging out the conversation the caller asked if I had taken my dog to the beach recently. I pointed out I'd lost my dog last year - something he should have known if he'd been paying attention - and he proceeded to tell me why dogs weren't a good idea anyway. Mutter, mutter.


DeniseinVA said...

Amazing achievement celebrating a 76th anniversary. Good on them and a hearty congratulations from me.

I lived with dogs my whole life and when our son was 8 (he’s 43 now), a neighbor thrust a dog onto us via son as she told him that she was leaving the neighborhood and had to take their dog to the pound, finishing off by telling him well, you know what happens to them there. He was in tears as he had gotten to know the dog through his friend who was one of this dog’s family. Well, long story short we adopted her and she ended up giving us 15 years of fun and laughter. The other stuff paled in comparison to everything else as she had been allowed to run wild and it took her a long time to feel settled. She had also been abused before this neighbor had her and she was scared to death of men with glasses (my hubby wore them but again more love and patience and it all worked out). This is turning into a longer story. With loads of love and patience she became our joy and when she finally left us, we were devastated. We never did get another dog as we traveled quite a lot, probably an excuse that we told ourselves. Anyhow, the years went by. Now at almost 73 I am waiting for our son and daughter-in-law to adopt a pup, and I will gladly be a furry-granny who will babysit at the drop of a hat. If you go back on my blog you will see a lot of doggy-fixes as I befriend every dog we come across, their human willing and they usually are.

p.s. wouldn’t have been too thrilled with your caller.

So nice to meet you and thanks for visiting me. I have enjoyed popping over. I promise I won't do long epistles like this one when I visit again :)

Kathy G said...

Is there a dog rescue organization nearby that needs volunteers? That might be a nice solution.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hello Liz, I am a first time visitor having seen your comment on my blog, The Frog & Penguinn, and always happy to "meet" new blog friends. We are pet-less now but in the past my husband has had dogs as my family did in my childhood days. Currently, we have an apt in a converted mill and while "service" dogs are permitted, we have seen what look like many exceptions. A dog is a wonderful companion, but not for us now.

I plan to have a look around your blog and to read some previous posts and please feel free to do the same on mine. Hope we "meet" again in blog land.

FYI my blog alias is Beatrice and in "real" life my name is Dorothy, but alas I do not have a dog named Toto as in the Wizard of Oz.

Anvilcloud said...

I don't mind dogs, but I don't want one. Having to walk one multiple times daily in our climate doesn't appeal to me in the least. Besides, I am more of an ailurophile.