Monday, June 12, 2023

Husband in my good books

Last week in the supermarket I picked up a pair of exercise shorts. They weren't ideal but the only ones they had so, as I've been wearing shorts held together by a safety pin for as long as I can remember now, I bought them.

I put them on this morning. "I'm not sure about these shorts," I said. "They're a bit too short."

"No, they're fine," Husband said. "You've got nice legs."

The only problem occurred when we did seated exercises - on a plastic covered chair. And it was the warmest session we've had even though it was cloudy. 

I wore my weights but unfortunately my heart monitor took a break halfway* through so I couldn't tell if the extra weight increased my calorie usage.

*Of course it might have been my heart that stopped rather than the monitor. No, it was quite a long period. I think I'd have noticed.

P.S. There is a defibrillator outside the hall - useful to know in case of emergencies.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you never need that defibrillator.

Boud said...

I was at the development pool building this morning for new parking passes, and noticed there on the wall, a defibrillator. Dramatic.

Ann said...

Yes, I'm sure if it had been your heart that stopped you would most definitely have known.

Abby said...

It's a struggle to find shorts at an ideal amount of short. Your husband had the correct response.
There's a defibrillator at the gym I go to. Would anyone know how to use it? I picture people trying to read the instructions, and "how do you turn this thing on?!"

Ole phat Stu said...

Our local council only had enough money for 1 defibrillator per 2 villages. So my nearest one is 2 miles away. I wonder how long it would take to fetch? And it is kept in the butcher shop. So only available in shop hours.

Liz Hinds said...

I did a children's first aid course and it included how to use a defibrillator. Read or listen to the instructions: they are very simple. But you're right, Abby. I would have to find my glasses first!

Stu, I think some people fund-raise to get defibrillators.

Ole phat Stu said...

Just FYI Liz they cost 1200 to 1800 Euros each here in Germany.