Tuesday, February 07, 2023

There's a cynedlef y jawl

Driving through the village yesterday I came to a traffic-ridden junction and declared, "Well, there's a cynedlef y jawl."

Great-auntie Vi
I surprised myself as it was a saying of my Auntie Vi's that I hadn't heard or even thought about for many years. It means a right to-do, a bit of chaos. At least that's what I've always assumed it means but I don't know the exact meaning or, com to that, the exact phrase. 

So I messaged my Welsh-speaking friend, Vivien, gave her my phonetic phrase and asked her for suggestions. 

She offered "y diawl" for the last bit, meaning the devil, which makes sense - a devil's own mess sort of thing - but she hasn't yet managed to come up with an interpretation of the first word. I should have mentioned to her that Auntie Vi didn't actually speak Welsh so it could be anything. 

Knowing Auntie Vi it probably wasn't the sort of thing you'd say in polite company.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ooooo, a mystery! I hope Vivien solves it!

Janie Junebug said...

I would say the same thing if I knew how to pronounce it! I'm an Auntie Vi type.


Ole Phat Stu said...

Cynedlef is Welsh for Generation, afaik.

Marie Smith said...

Your aunt look like a fun person!

I discovered recently I have Welsh ancestry I knew nothing about. It is an exciting find!

Ann said...

I think Aunti Vi sounds like my kind of person.