Saturday, February 11, 2023

Call for House

I find myself saying things like, "I'm quite excited about the new Welsh pack."

I might not be saying that in a couple of hours' time when the Wales Scotland rugby game has finished but I live in hope. After the huge defeat by Ireland last week the coach had to do something dramatic. That said Ireland has just beaten France in a thrilling game. Ireland's looking very very good.

Enough about rugby. I am still learning Welsh with Duolingo. One theme that has been consistent in it almost since I started at the beginning of first lockdown is Owen's passion for parsnips. This week Owen wanted to swim in the sea with the parsnips. He also planned to take the parsnips to a protest with him. I worry about Owen.

In other matters I have an irritating itch in my right arm pit. It is undoubtedly a symptom of a rare disease that only House will be able to diagnose.

P.S. Rugby result was even worse than I anticipated.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That itch? I suspect you're allergic to any mention of parsnips.

Boud said...

I can't help wondering if parsnips is code for some other meaning.

Ann said...

Rugby, parsnips, itch's and House. That is quite a combination :)

pam nash said...

Parsnips are a weird thing to be thought of as food or anything else.