Thursday, February 09, 2023

An ice cream I don't like

Yesterday was my baby's birthday. My baby in that she's my youngest grandchild. 

GrandDaughter3 (Lucia) in Italy. Here she is wearing the beautiful dress and crown made by her mummy and with the cake she decorated herself.

Today is Daughter's birthday and we helped celebrate by taking her her and Son-in-law out for lunch. We went, as Husband described it, to a shed in a car park. However it was quite a posh shed!

And it did have an amazing view.

That's taken from inside so forgive the slight reflection.

We opted for the six course taster menu with Daughter having the vegetarian taster. I can't tell you what everything was because I've forgotten. To be honest I forgot most of it as soon as the waiter told us.
I can tell you that (top right) we had laverbread bread, and (left middle) a beetroot combi with mozzarella ice cream.  The cardamom ice cream with rhubarb and ginger (bottom left) surprised me by being lovely.

It was all delicious except . . . for the rosemary ice cream with the chocolate torte (bottom centre). I hate rosemary. I had to leave it. Me leaving ice cream? I know. Criminal. But don't worry, Husband finished it off.

The chicken dish (right middle) came with a domed dish filled with smoke. (I didn't get a picture of that.) When the dome was lifted a crispy chicken thigh surrounded by pine spikes was revealed.

The observant amongst you will have noticed that there are ten photos altogether for a six course taster menu. That's because I've included the amuse bouche, the bread, and the petit fours, as well as giving the chicken thigh its own slot.

It's now nearly five o'clock and I'm wondering how long I have to stay up before I can go to bed.

P.S. Last night we watched Bank of Dave on Netflix. Highly recommended. A lovely film with lovely people. 


Kathy G said...

Up to now I've never met an ice cream I didn't like. I guess the moral of your story is that there can be a first for everything.

Boud said...

I've had sweetcorn ice cream, home made, and thought I'd met the first one I didn't like. Shock.

I'm so deadly allergic to cut evergreens, I'd have needed first aid before that lid was lifted. I guess they can't foretell every danger though.

Aside from my being a terrible guest, it sounds like a wonderful food adventure. Even if it was in a shed!

Ann said...

Look like some interesting dishes there.
Your granddaughter is adorable in her crown.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That shed in the car park serves up some pretty fancy-shmancy food! It all looks delicious!

Ole Phat Stu said...

If you, your daughter, and GD3 all liked all the dishes,
that'll be why they are called
amuse girls ;-)

Marie Smith said...

The shed is quite something!