Monday, January 23, 2023

Who are you?

Last night Husband switched off his bedside lamp and settled down; I was still reading. After a moment he said, "I think I'm going to try meditating."
"Yes, I read an article about it being good for you. I think I'll do yoga too. There have classes in the university."

This morning on our way back from exercise I asked him, "Do you remember what you said last night?"
"About what?"
"Meditating and doing yoga."
"Oh yes. It'd be good for you too. They do online classes but I think it would be better for us to go to a group where we could be more sociable."

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my husband?"

For seventy odd years Husband has pooh-poohed anything even vaguely alternative, and since the pandemic especially we've been more than happy being anti-social. I blame the New Scientist


Mauigirl said...

Wow, sounds as if husband has had some kind of epiphany! Mine will never offer to do anything new agey like that, LOL.

Boud said...

I totally love Worrier Pose!!

My yoga these days is about doing a Tree Pose in front of the microwave while my tea heats up. Very good for balance for us older folks. When I was a kid in my seventies I did a morning routine.

Janie Junebug said...

Perhaps your real husband will return soon.


Ann said...

Had my husband ever suggested anything like that I would have been wondering who he was also.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Watch out! Can crystals, incense and tarot cards be far behind? LOL, seriously though, yoga and meditation are great ideas for stress reduction and flexibility as we age.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Steve Jobs meditates every day and it hasn't done him too much harm.

Marie Smith said...

The sociable part is super important according to a recent long term study.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I don't recommend online yoga. I tried it and lost the connection. I was left there tied in knots with my legs over my head and no means to check the internet how to release myself. In fact, I'm typing this with my nose.

God bless.