Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Where's the carrot when you need it?

Monday we had a food delivery. Later that day I looked for the carrots to cook for dinner. No sign of any so I use some frozen veg instead. Later, convinced I'd ordered them, I asked Husband if he'd noticed carrots in the Sainsburys order.
"Yes," he said.
"I couldn't find them. Where are they?"
"In the meat drawer in the fridge."

Today I went into the kitchen to start dinner preparation. I needed a carrot for the recipe I was trying. "Ah ha," said I to myself. "The carrots are in the meat drawer."

Went to the fridge, opened the meat drawer and found . . . cauliflowers.

Found the carrots. In the fridge but not in the meat drawer. On a different shelf hidden behind mushrooms. I am getting as bad as Husband not moving things when I am searching.


Boud said...

Well, some vegetable starting with c anyway! Did they substitute? There's some difference.

Liz Hinds said...

I think I must have forgotten to order them.

Janie Junebug said...

I didn't ask my former husband to do the grocery shopping very often because what he would return with was a mystery. He also might lock his keys in his car and I'd have to go there with a spare key anyway. Hopeless and helpless, he was.


Debra She Who Seeks said...


Polly said...

ha, ha, that's a cracker. I'm pretty good at searching for stuff in the fridge.

Ann said...

LOL. I never heard of playing hide and seek with produce.