Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wales play - or Wales plays?

Debra has some wonderful memes over on her blog about grammar. Well worth a visit. I love so many of them.

In the Comments Janie mentions that she has learned to love or at least tolerate plural pronouns and singular nouns. It's something that is a bit of a bugbear with me. 

When I'm speaking I am well aware that my grammar goes to pot. I stumble and stutter, panic and mumble garbage. That's in conversation of course; if I'm speaking to a group I am prepared and make fewer mistakes. 

When I'm writing I try very hard to be precise and grammatically correct. I don't always succeed but at least I try.

We're about to begin the exciting Six Nations rugby season. It starts on Saturday when Wales plays Ireland. Or, as they often say on television, when Wales play Ireland. Wales and team are both singular but you wouldn't necessarily know it. 

I do agree though that referring to the team as they sounds righter.

Cue gratuitous photo.

Leigh Halfpenny, full back


Boud said...

Whose shoulders is he sitting on, though?

Kathy G said...

I always heard that you use the word plays for singular subjects and play for plural subjects.

LL Cool Joe said...

I liked Debra's post too. I constantly use the wrong grammar but do try not to. It always makes me laugh when people say they are going to "Tescos" and add an "s" on the end.

Cop Car said...

As I listen to BBC, I note the difference in our (UK vs USA) treatment of group nouns and pronouns. It makes me a bit more cognizant of what comes out of my own mouth.