Monday, January 30, 2023

Questions big and small

Three of us tumbled in through the doors with seconds to spare before exercise class started.

Elaine, the teacher, shook her head in despair. "Why do the three fittest ones always arrive last?!"

In our defence, Margaret cycled there, Yvonne ran there, and I . . . had to park a long way away.

* * * * *

Thank you for your kind and agreeing comments yesterday. I did manage to have a completely do-nothing day although, inevitably, I feel better after a day where I've achieved something. So today I'm ready to be dynamic.

And while I'm being dynamic I shall ponder the question, "If I ask God for a sign and then appear to get one, why do I struggle to believe it?"

And other deep and meaningful questions, like what shall I do with the cold chicken that's left for dinner tonight?

Meanwhile, because I'm sorting through old photos here's one of George from 2014.

On Rhossili downs


Marie Smith said...

Oh George! Such a lovely memory! Have a great week!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Here's a sign that's easy to interpret -- *sound of heavenly trumpets* -- chicken pot pie!

Boud said...

Lovely George! I'm glad you're able to post that picture. And I love how the big existential questions are instantly followed by practical ones. It's almost as if someone had said "chop wood, carry water"!

Ann said...

Well I had a do nothing day today so hopefully I'll be dynamic tomorrow :)
George looks like a real sweetie.

Janie Junebug said...

Hello, George, you handsome man. I hope you take pleasure in being considered one of the fittest. No one would hang that label on me.
