Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Nothing special but available

In bible study we're currently doing a short series on 'Verses that challenge/inspire me". Last week Monty chose the whole bible as a challenge but this week Steve closed in on a few verses that he's delving into more deeply. 

He talked about the boats Jesus sometimes borrowed so he could could go a little way out from the beach to address the crowd. The boats were just ordinary little rowing, fishing boats, nothing special about them. The one thing in their favour was that they were there and available.

That resonated with me. I told the group a story.

Many years ago when Sean first started involving others in leading bible studies he roped me in as one of the leaders. (Before that, if Sean was away for any reason, we didn't do a bible study.)

I was describing the situation in Zac's to someone else and explaining why I'd been chosen. At that time we had fewer regulars and many who attended were, because of their lifestyles or past, less than consistent or reliable  Before I could say it myself this person said, "Didn't really have any other choice then, did he?"

Which was true and I would have said, and did say, it on other occasions, but for this person, whose opinion of me wasn't very high, to say it was a bit of a bummer.

But it's true that it was my availability that was my winning serve so to speak. I wasn't chosen for my bible knowledge or my spirituality or my goodness, though possibly for my great age! But mainly I was available and willing. Terrified but willing.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now THAT'S a good parable!

Boud said...

Best available isn't so bad! Sounds like that person never misses a chance to get in a dig.

Anonymous said...

So true Liz. If all the work went to all the Scholars I'd have no purpose

Ole Phat Stu said...

That`s often how we got volunteered in the military.

Ann said...

I think that applies to me a lot. I'm available and willing. Sure explains why I get stuck doing so much.

Janie Junebug said...

Ouch! Such comments sting, but from reading your blog I'll attest to your intelligence and wisdom.


Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Junie!
The trouble with being available as Stu and Ann suggest is that we get stuck doing it all!