Friday, January 06, 2023

How to walk

Had to leave a room not once but twice today on account of the conversation going on. Just a bit racist.

I wish I were brave and knowledgeable enough to speak up but I know I'd be out-talked. That shouldn't be an excuse but I know my irritation would turn into anger and I'm no good at hiding that.

On a different note I have ordered curtains. Very boring ones in the end. But we never pull the curtains in the dining-room. I think maybe once in the thirty-something years we've lived here. The curtains are purely window-dressing - to take away the hard lines of the edges. All my 'shall I go mad and buy these way-out curtains?' thoughts came to nothing. I opted for cheap and simple. I won't even notice them once they're up so there's no point getting stressed.

And yesterday I ordered an e-book called 52 Ways to Walk. Who'd have thought there'd be so many. I shall report back. I saw it on a blog. Whose blog? I did a little blog-wandering the other day and it was on one of those but I don't recall whose.

It was on another blog that I saw The Library Book by Susan Orlean mentioned. I've now received an email from the library telling me they have it ready for me. Where would I be without wonderful bloggers who recommend books? Reading the same ones over and over I expect.

Now I shall go and make my spag bol. I used to enjoy my dinner cooking times listening to Radio 4 Extra with its old quiz shows and sitcoms but just before Christmas it changed its schedule and now they have serials on at this time. That's all well and god if you listen regularly but when you're popping in and out at irregular times a serial is no good. Mutter, mutter. Can't be doing with change!


Boud said...

Maybe you'd do better with the racist talk if you had a couple of prepared phrases to say? Then nothing more. I've found this useful. Something like "not in my (presence/house/meeting) please" whatever works. Brief. To the point. Then decline to engage further.

Unsolicited advice from someone who's been there!

Janie Junebug said...

Unpleasant conversation for you--I hope leaving the room might have made a point. I have The Library Book on my kindle but haven't had a chance to read it yet.


Anonymous said...

Re: Radio 4 Extra. What time are the quizzes on? You can play any radio show from the schedules on the BBC Sounds website or app.

Boud said...

I downloaded the audio version of The Library Book, read by the author. Oh dear. A few minutes later I returned it and I'm now waiting for the e-book. Still interested in reading it. Thanks for the note.

sparklingmerlot said...

I am with you on change. And it is worse at this time of year when things we don't even think about (TV, radio programming) change for the season.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Reading the same ones over and over I expect?

No, probably writing them ;-)

Ann said...

My hearing isn't very good so if there is a conversation going on in the room I most likely can't hear enough of it to know what's going on. Sometimes, even if a person is talking to me I can't hear them. If they have extremally soft voices I do a lot of grinning and nodding.

Marie Smith said...

Bound’s suggestion is something I’d try.