Thursday, January 05, 2023

Monkeys going up the wall

I hate curtain shopping.

They never have exactly what I want or if they do it's not exactly what I need. I am torn at the moment. After coming home from the shop and spending another hour browsing t'internet I am currently torn between star wars light-up sky, seagull, and funny doggy curtains. I had better not order anythng until tomorrow when I am calmer.

In the shop I spotted some curtains that reminded me of Auntie Vi.

Auntie Vi was one of my gran's sisters and one day she proudly showed me her newly-decorated front room. "The only trouble is," she said laughing, "is that the wallpaper's upside down. And it's got monkeys on it."

Good job no-one in those days ever used the front room.

If you don't have a Dunelm where you live you will have something like it: a store that sells everything for the home from curtains to cutlery, towels to toasters. You go in there looking for curtains and realise how empty your life is without a
banana carrier. Or a pizza scissors
The one thing I did need (a lemon zester -which I realise is a bit of a middle-class necessity but comes in handy for lemon drizzle cake) they didn't have.


Boud said...

I inherited a posh micro plane thing which zests lemons, limes, your knuckles a treat. I can't see scissors for pizza though.
And the wild curtains. Good job people didn't wander into your auntie's front room after an evening st the local.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I vote for the Star Wars curtains!

Ann said...

It took me months to decide on a shower curtain. I know how difficult it can be to make a decision.
I've never even seen a banana carrier before. I wonder if I need

Janie Junebug said...

Now I know what's missing in my life: A banana carrier. And pizza scissors. I would have gone with doggy curtains.


Cop Car said...

Curtains aren't a big thing to some of us - as you later wrote, not something over which to stress. Glad you solved your dilemna.