Sunday, January 08, 2023

Definitely may have not

I almost definitely have read it before but I'm still giving 5* to Big Sky by Kate Atkinson. So clever and strangely funny, and all coming together in the end. And justice rather than the law being served.

I had a little lie-in this morning so I could finish it. 

Later I had a message from GrandSon1 asking if they and the cousins could come to us for dinner. I said they could and it turned into an all-age family affair. Thank goodness for Sunday trading. A quick trip to the co-op to pick up seven large pizzas, strawberries and goodies.

I decided it would be better to have too many pizzas than not enough. It's a Welsh mam trait. Got to make sure everyone is full to bursting. As it turned out all the pizzas got eaten. I lost track of how many slices I had. 

Now it's everyone back to school tomorrow and some sort of normality resumes.

P.S. Took up my book journal to make a note of Big Sky only to find I read it in June 21. How did I miss that? I only gave it 4* then so I must have paid more attention this time. 

There is very little hope for me I fear.


Boud said...

So you enjoyed it more this time! Funny.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your impromptu pizza party sounds like it was fun!

Cop Car said...

Great that you had people there for pizza. I have to say that, not knowing how many were in attendance, 7 pizzas do sound like a large number of them. We max out at 10 people and 3 or 4 12" pizzas.