Thursday, January 05, 2023

Don't talk to me

I've read several blogs today from women who are tired. Not in the 'I need a nap' way but very weary. Mary puts it down to the cumulative effects of the last few years and I would agree with that. I would also say that the political situation in the UK currently is as bad as I can remember it. 

The economy, the recession, all that may have been seen before but in the past, not even that distant past, our politicians had a shred of integrity, of morality, of honesty. Doing the right thing was something they did - even if it was only when they were caught out and exposed. Politicians today just sit it out and wait for the public to forget.

All the while lining their pockets and those of their friends and influential acquaintances who will be sure to recommend them for a consultancy job involving very few hours and lots of money.

I've stopped viewing news stations and can only cope with a little burst of Twitter before I get too depressed. I've even depressed myself writing this!

So onto cheerier things. I shall go and look for curtains this afternoon for the dining room. The more observant among you may have noticed that Christmas dinner was indeed served in the dining room - you may recall I was panicking about whether the decorating would be done in time. 

Let's say it was done enough. Husband continues to work on it - including repainting the bits that got marked when he had to drag an old garden table and extra chairs in - but we're almost there. 

But next time - DEFINITELY - we're getting a man in. Even if it's only painting the toilet. (No, okay, Husband can do that.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have fun shopping for curtains!

Marie Smith said...

Home renovations and decorating are in my past, I hope!

Boud said...

I used to do all my own house painting, until a couple of years ago when I decided I'd stop. Not get someone in. Just stop!

I agree with you so much on the situation in my country of origin. So much trouble, so little concern.

Ann said...

I have some painting that is long overdue but I can't get myself to take care of it. I should just give in and hire someone but I hate to spend the money

Janie Junebug said...

I want to hire people to work on my house. I can't find anyone. We are in a mess in the U.S. with the Republicans' inability to elect a speaker of the house.
