Saturday, January 07, 2023

A first for me

A different day today. 

Spent most of it with GrandDaughter1. First we went to Costa for our drinks: mango and passionfruit coolers. But, get this, we went to the drive-thru! 

A first for me. Seventy years of age and I've only ever seen drive-thrus on American movies. GrandDaughter1 was panicking in case Mini was too short to go to the drive-thru and I was just panicking. But it all went very smoothly. Go Granny!

Then it was home for romcom, face masks, and chocolate-dipped strawberries. Plus cake. Not a bad way to spend a grey Saturday.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

There's a first time for everything!

Boud said...

Good going! Sounds like a spa day end to end.

Ann said...

Well I guess you're just never to old to do something for the first time :) Sounds like an excellent day

Marie Smith said...

Well done…on all counts.

Anonymous said...

I went to a "Drive thru". I wasnt driving though. I don't drive. My friend had to order for 5, 20 yr olds,all different .. it wasn't straightforward.. She hadn't done it before, the person eas in training.. Niethet could understand each other, someone hsd to step in. Finally we got the order, oh and machine was playing up. Just park up and order, much easier