Monday, December 05, 2022

Do they know it's Christmas?

It's very annoying when you go to the funeral of someone you don't know and come away thinking, "I wish I'd known that person."

Sometimes the plaudits seem over the top but today they sounded genuine. 

Afterwards I went to the Post Office to use Amazon's amazing returns system. I didn't have to do anything - not even wrap it. I just downloaded a QR code, showed that to the woman at the PO, handed over the item, and, hey presto, by mid-afternoon the refund had been paid to me.

Didn't I make that sound simple? I should add that before I set off for the Post Office I messaged Sons to ask, "You know when you 'grab' a QR code, where does it go exactly?" In other words, I have it on my computer; how do I get it to my phone to show at the PO.

I won't do it again though because the lady at the PO explained that each item has to be packed in a huge plastic bag. She was grumbling about it and the fact that their office was piled high with boxes not yet collected. 

I don't return much but if I have to in future I will wrap it myself and do it old school.

In other news Warren Gatland is returning to Wales to take up the Head Coach position again. This will mean nothing to most of you I'm sure but I have had a warm glow about me ever since reading the news. He's not going to be able to work miracles but he has a proven track record with the Welsh team and we all love him.

And tonight I'm making Aloo Saag Gosht for dinner. I'm not convinced it will be successful as a) I'm not following the instructions, and b) I have the wrong colour chillies and cardamom seeds, oh and c) the saag (spinach) is my addition.

And finally, they have changed the schedule on BBC Radio 4 Extra. I hate it when they do that. Until now they've had light-hearted quizzes and old sitcoms on between 4 and 5, when I'm preparing dinner. Now that's all changed and will completely throw my routine. I am sulking and listening to Christmas music instead in protest.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, you've got me beat! I have no idea how to scan a QR code into my smartphone, much less where it goes once it gets there. So needless to say, I just avoid QR codes like the plague.

Boud said...

Head coach of what? Ignorant furriners need foot notes.

I've done that return at the ups store. Amazon sent me the qr code, I showed my phone screen at the store, lady scanned it, done. They send a bunch of returns together in one big package evidently, but the fact that ups showed acceptance meant I got a refund. Worked for me, back before I stopped doing Amazon.

Abby said...

Amazon does make returns so easy and quick. Where I live, I can just take things to Whole Foods, no need for QR code. And yes, the returns are bagged up together in one big shebang. Still, I try to "never" return things.
I'm glad you're happy about a coach (of something, I have no idea what).

Marie Smith said...

I really dislike change to well established routine too.

Did you see the latest news on Rinaldo…unbelievable!