Saturday, December 10, 2022

A sugary post

When you put your hand in your pocket and suddenly think, "Oh no, I've got a bag of dog poo in my pocket!"

It wasn't.

I had a bag of soft dog treats leftover from yesterday's walk. Did make me chuckle though - once I'd got over the momentary horror.

How is it possible to go shopping with a list and still forget something on the list? Oh, yes, when you don't look at the list once it's in your bag.

And going to a market when you're hungry (for hungry I really mean greedy) and there is stall after stall selling yummy goodies isn't a good idea either. I settled for a chocolate Malteser stuffed croissant for Husband and a lemon tart for me.

Oh and stifado and moussaka for our dinner tonight. Followed by Black Forest or Raspberry and white chocolate cheesecake.

Confession : I ended up with the Greek dinner dishes after the lady offered me a taste and then I couldn't say no. Again. But there's football on tv tonight, that's my excuse for not cooking a proper dinner. Fairly lame as football doesn't start until seven and I probably won't watch it anyway - although I have bought a packet of prawn crackers as a treat in case I do.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm surprised YOU didn't go for the Malteser-stuffed croissant! I thought Maltesers are your fave goody?

Liz Hinds said...

They are but it was a bit too much even for me!

Janie Junebug said...

I've gone shopping and come home without an item on the list even though I looked at the list. Top that!


Boud said...

A king could die of a surfeit of Maltesers in history books. That's an example of a surfeit.

Kathy G said...

The last time I took my list into the store I couldn't find a pen in my purse to cross items off (and of course I forgot to put one in there once I got home). However, thanks to your post I remembered.

sparklingmerlot said...

Ah, the old poo in the pocket. Farmers' markets are dangerous even if you go with a full tummy.

Liz Hinds said...

You win, Janie.

I'll have you know, Boud, I have two (2 TWO) unopened boxes of Maltesers from my birthday. I am saving them for ... actually what? Why am I not eating them?

That's impressive crossing off items too, Kathy.

Tell me about it, Merlot.