Friday, September 09, 2022

The English Prince of Wales

King Charles addressed the nation this evening. I listened in the car as I was en route to Daughter's. Thankfully I had parked and was just sitting and listening by the time he got to the '. . . and I hand over my title of Prince of Wales to William.' 

I yelled at the radio. Two hours later I'm still fuming.

I was called disrespectful on Facebook for saying I didn't want another English Prince of Wales. I wonder if those people who accused me will be calling the King disrespectful for bringing it up. I doubt it.

Here Michael Sheen explains it much better.

If we're to have another English Prince of Wales he had better come and live in Wales, send his children to school here, use Welsh services, promote Wales, attract tourists. Do something to earn the respect of the Welsh on whom he is being foisted.

I have nothing against Prince William. I'm sure he will one day be a fine king. I just don't want him as Prince of Wales.


Furtheron said...

Good points eloquently made.

Shame not listened to.

I don't expect William will but infrequently visit Wales during his tenure as Prince. said...

I suggest perhaps it is your timing and not your views that some have found insensitive. Fuming at the radio when so many are coming to terms with what they have every right to consider a great loss seems thoughtless and self-indulgent. But then that is in the nature of nationalists. No matter the occasion take every opportunity to complain loudly and vociferously.

Marie Smith said...

I thought of you when I heard the speech today. I hear you!

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Furtheron and Marie.
Mik3, was King Charles insensitive too?

Furtheron said...

It was the first thing on my family WhatsApp during the speach (my daughter in law is Welsh) we were all that he could (should?) have waited and consulted more before that announcement.

Liz Hinds said...

Absolutely Furtheron.