Friday, September 02, 2022

Getting old?

I was puzzled to receive a letter from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency today. The cars are registered in Husband's name so I couldn't think why they were writing to me.

It turns out I need to apply for a new driving licence ready when mine runs out on 11/11/22 i.e. the last day of my sixties.

I don't need reminding about the fact I'm getting old. Though maybe I should remember that when I decide to try climbing. My shoulders ache today and I imagine they will be worse tomorrow.

Meanwhile I was putting my phone in my handbag when I thought, "What on earth is this in my bag?"

It was a cucumber.


Boud said...

I wonder if you'd been pointing it at the tv and wondering why you couldn't change channels. Or maybe open the garage door. I plead guilty to trying to answer the phone on my Kindle.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The cucumber in the handbag was probably wondering what it was doing there too!

Chuck Pergiel said...


Marie Smith said...

Lol. It’s all good when you can write about it!

Anonymous said...

Here in Germany driving licences are valid for 15 years and are then replaced by one with a current photo. No retest needed. Retest only needed after e.g. a DUI. I am now good until 2033 when i will be 89.