Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Don't talk to me!

Ooh, I'm in a mood!

Husband was having internet problems on his computer this morning so he asked if he could go on mine to try and sort it out. Obligingly I agreed.

Later when I tried to print something it didn't work.

Then I tried to send emails. They didn't go.

George meanwhile is in a mood of his own, being unable to decide if he wants to go out or stay in and yapping interminably in between. George usually has a very manly bark but this is a petulant sounding squeaky yap. Just the right pitch to drive an already irritable woman to the edge.

"Husband, come here and sort out my computer."
"Okay, I'll just have lunch first."
"You will not have lunch until you've fixed my computer!"

It's mended now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'll just stay quietly out of your way then, ma'am.

Lisa said...

Excellent choice. May I wait it out with you?