Monday, May 02, 2022

Two things of note

It's a sad day when Granny has to go on the miniature trains on HER OWN!

I had GrandSon2 and GrandDaughter2 for a while today while Daughter went shopping and, as it was a Bank Holiday, the little trains were running. After a break of two years I couldn't wait. 

GrandSon2 decided he'd rather stay at home with Granddad; GrandDaughter2 came with me. The train site is only down the road a very short distance. We walked there and then GrandDaughter2 said, "I don't want to go on after all. There are too many people."

I couldn't persuade her so we went home and trampolined and played basketball until they were collected. Then I walked back on my own, feeling rather foolish but determined.
The worst bit was doing the "Whoo-whoos" in the tunnel on my own. (Not completely on my own but not with family members I mean.)

So that was one thing. The other is even more startling.

I did some sewing.

I detest sewing. I consider it an abomination. However my cardigan cuff was on the verge of leaving my sleeve so I was press-ganged into taking action. 

For the most of my life sewing was like knitting: something I did to keep up with my neighbours who all made clothes for their children. I did make some curtains and even once, possibly in a dream, made myself a long dance dress. In later years I refused to even sew on buttons, and it was with some relief and no guilt that I finally disposed of my sewing box and all its contents bar one reel of white cotton, one of black, and a packet of needles. 

I came back from a walk, settled down with Queer Eye, and did my mending. It may not be invisible but it serves its purpose. I hope that is enough to get me my Brownie Housewife badge.
Something that isn't serving its purpose however is the chocolate I was melting to create a custom-made chocolate heart for FrandDaughter2 whose birthday is tomorrow.
I was trying to do too many things at once and it got too warm during the melting process. It's ended up as a grainy greasy blob. Back to the drawing-board, or rather back to the shop to buy more chocolate.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I know I left a comment on this post. Did Blogger eat it? Damn that software.