Friday, September 10, 2021

Great excitement

My new tablet (in the computer not medicinal sense) has arrived a day early!

Having got excited I now will hand it over to Husband who can do whatever is necessary. I like to think that everything on my old tablet will appear by magic on the new, in the blink of an eye.

My old one is very slow, taking even longer than I do to think about things, and as we're going away next week (!!!) I need to stock up on reading material.

Yes, all being well we plan to visit Italy next week!

I am trying very hard not to get too excited at the thought of seeing the grandchildren (and Younger Son and Nuora) just in case the dreaded Covid crops up and wrecks all our plans. Husband has worked very hard to plan a route but we still need to get across France in a bit of a hurry to avoid having to redo the tests - extra inconvenience and money. That said, the tests are cheaper in France.

We had booked our annual flu jabs for mid-September but thanks to a lorry shortage they've been delayed (thanks, Brexit) so we're fitting a trip in. Everything crossed that is.

Flights would have been quicker and simpler test wise but nothing available until late October and did we really want to sit in a plane full of recycled air? 

At the moment however Husband has very swollen and painful glands in his neck so we're hoping he gets over that soon. Nothing is booked yet just in case. 

The journey will involve going through the Channel Tunnel, something I always said I didn't want to do. Stuck in a hole in the ground, all that water over me? No, thanks. It's amazing what I'll put up with to see my grandchildren.

Currently supposed to be practising my talk for Sunday, not blogging about holidays. A bit stuttery. I keep telling myself I will be alright on the morning. 

Now here's a photo I took while walking George - and practising my talk - this morning. A robin on a post. So busy taking it I failed to notice the robin had flown away.


I am a genius! I did it all on my own! (I say 'all on my own'; I mean the tablet talked me through it and did its own snycing.) 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm happy for you and the planned trip to Italy! I hope everything goes well and you will be hugging and kissing your grandchildren soon!

Cop Car said...

Congratulations on doing your own IT. You can read while in the Chunnel - keep your mind off of where you are. Enjoy your visit with your loved ones in Italy!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you so much for visiting my Blog today.

Wishing you Bon Voyage to Italy (via France) and au revoir when you're back here. Have a wonderful time with family and friends.

God bless you all.

Christine said...

Good job on the new tablet setup! I had to laugh as I pass this stuff on to my hubby too usually.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Debra and CopCar.

And thank you in return, Victor.

I impressed myself, Christine!

Kathy G said...

"It's amazing what I'll put up with to see my grandchildren."

I think every grandparent can say the same thing.

Polly said...

Oooh, exciting, a visit to see your family, that’s lovely. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Don’t worry about going through the tunnel, I said I wouldn't, but I did (3 times now), and it’s fine, and it doesn’t take long. I laughed at your comment about everything on your old tablet appearing on the new one by magic. That’s what’s delaying me getting a new laptop, mine is very slow and keeps freezing, but I don’t have an in-house IT person, and I know I will go into meltdown if I can’t set up a new one. I’m sure my grandson would help though. I don’t think it’s just Brexit to blame for the shortage of lorries, the lockdowns stopped drivers taking their tests, and now there is a huge backlog.

pam nash said...

Ohhhhh - driving the Channel Tunnel. On purpose and not be chased by some monster car eating truck? Just the thought gives me the creeping willies. All I can say is "You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

PipeTobacco said...

I am extremely happy and excited for your upcoming trip!!!! I think you both will feel such joy during that time that the travails of getting there and back will be with it.

Hope your tablet transfer goes smoothly as well!!!


PipeTobacco said...

“With” was meant to be “worth”.