Thursday, July 15, 2021

Just call me the Frog Rescuer

Rescued a frog from the pool this afternoon and then spent an anxious ten minutes waiting for it to recover its equilibrium and hop off.

We also had the first fig off our fig tree. I say 'our' fig tree; it was Daughter's originally but was dying so Husband took it in, used his magic touch, and hey presto. The ripe fig was delicious too.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your fig tree produced a fig? Well, now you can't re-enact the parable of Jesus and the fig tree. Just as well, though, it's kind of a weird one.

Boud said...

When you see fig leaves you instantly understand why they were the attire choice of Perfect coverage.

Boud said...

Of Adam. What happened to that bit?

pam nash said...

Myself - not a fan of figs. Here, the yard is all a-jump with toads - little ones and medium sized ones. Results of all the rain I guess.

Marie Smith said...

Yummy fig. I don’t like frogs legs as much. Lol.