Friday, June 18, 2021

Not one of my better ideas - again

Our outside toilet has been used as a dumping ground - for rubbish I mean - rather than for its intended purpose for many years, but today in a spirit of 'Let's change that,' I emptied it and decided to clean the floor.

After mopping fruitlessly for a few minutes I decided to turn the hose on for a little half-hearted power washing.

And that was where the trouble started.

What I hadn't accounted for was the fact that the courtyard is higher than the toilet floor. Which would have been okay if it had had a drain. It didn't.

Some time later after I'd mopped for my country the floor looked no better. I'm hoping it will improve after it dries completely. 

Anyway now I'm buying a pretty toilet lid to take people's minds off the the crumbling paintwork and the about-to-fall-off cistern. 'Good luck getting a plumber to do that any time soon,' Husband said. He is still bitter after his bathroom experience. Did I tell you the only plumber who would even think about coming to change the tap was going to charge £140 an hour?

Also I've worked out why I was struggling so much to get to grips with my Welsh as they seemed to be introducing stuff I hadn't learned. Turns out I'd skipped a lesson. Makes so much more sense now. And I've got it! As long as I practise daily.


pam nash said...

You have my heartiest support and sympathy in dealing with an outdoor bathroom. I had one in the garage of my last house consisting of sink and toilet. Floor pealing up, spiders, garage detritus. It was a mess to clean up when I was ready to sell the house. And, WOW! I thought our plumbers were expensive at $120/hr.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like plumbing is the lucrative career choice for smart young people!

PipeTobacco said...

(From Gary:) Wow! That is really interesting.... I have never seen a home with an outdoor toilet before. I guess it must be because in my region, the winters are too brutally cold to have such a thing be functional (we typically have at least a few days (or more) each winter where we have -20 degrees F (~ -29 degrees C)...... and a fair number of days/weeks/months not a whole lot warmer.

Some folks occasionally have an “outhouse” which is basically a shed with a toilet that leads to a whole in the ground (only in the deep country) or a “Porta-Potty” which is a self-contained outhouse that a company will collect periodically to clean and remove wastes that have accumulated in a bottom chamber. But, most folks here only have indoor plumbing.

It must be far more temperate in terms of cold in your area than I realized.


PipeTobacco said...

Yikes.... “while” in the above should have been “hole”.


PipeTobacco said...

Autocorrect is my nemesis today. I apologize. “Whole” should have been “hole”.


Janie Junebug said...

Now I know I should have become a plumber. Maybe it's not too late.
