Friday, June 04, 2021

Falling apart

Ten days ago I caught my finger in the wrought iron work of the gate: it really hurt! I can bend it now but it is still sore and tingly.

Yesterday at tea-time I stood up to walk into the other room and my foot started hurting. By bed-time I was on pain-killers and convinced I'd be in A&E soon asking for an a-ray and how my foot could break just standing up. It's much better today.

Is this what getting older means?

If I'd hurt my foot when GrandDaughter3 had suddenly decided to start running down the hill I'd have understood.


Polly said...

oh that's a beautiful photo Liz. My leg has been hurting for a few days now, I don't know if I sprained it when bending down gardening, or if it's just the horrible 'old age' aches and pains.

PipeTobacco said...

That is indeed a great photo!!!!!


Kathy G said...

I wonder if your foot issue started when you ran?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Perhaps this is the start of what used to be called "fallen arches"? That can hurt like hell.

Tams said...

Oooh poor you
Sending a big hug

Cop Car said...

Yes, Liz, that's what getting old is all about: mystery aches and pains that move about at whim. We old, old people cope without knowing with what or why we do so. Scaly patches appear and disappear or get removed by one's physician. Younger people play with our minds - sometimes with intent, sometimes without. It is just a barrel of fun!

Good luck. My Hunky Husband unfailingly tells me that, "It's better than the alternative." but I'm not sure how he would know.

Marie Smith said...

These golden years are the pits in some ways!