Friday, May 21, 2021

Don't lose your parsnips

After a period of forcing myself to persevere with learning Welsh I have picked it up with enthusiasm again. I think it's because I seem to be getting the hang of it. Not the mutations of course. I keep telling myself they'll become automatic in time, but currently it's largely vocabulary I'm learning. Or forgetting if you prefer.

Now I might have mentioned this before but I am convinced the Duolingo Welsh course is sponsored by the Welsh Parsnip Growers Association. I can think of no other reason for their preoccupation with the vegetable that is an acquired taste I think.

The course is a mixture of listening, reading and translating. I'm better at reading than listening so when I struggle to translate a spoken sentence I try to work out logically, from my known vocabulary, what a word might be.

So I listened to this sentence being read - Mae Owen wedi colli'r pannas mewn gem - and tried to work out what it might be that Owen would have lost in a game. I did not think for one minute that he would have lost the parsnips. 

Similarly I didn't expect the Welsh rugby team to eat Owen's parsnips before the game.

In future, if in doubt, I will guess at parsnips.

Incidentally, yesterday, being unable to settle to what I wanted to do, I continued the never-ending job of filing photos. All my filing system was lost at some point so all I have is the Google collection of photos by date. Every time I want to find an old photo I have to go through hundreds. So yesterday afternoon I carried on copying, naming, and deleting photos. All afternoon - and I only managed to do 2004 and 2005.

However it is rather nice to find an old glamorous photo when you're feeling older, fatter, and rather less gorgeous!

From 2005


Cop Car said...

That beautiful, purple dress looks great on you, Liz. You seem to be making great progress on your photos. (Wish I could say the same about me.)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yowza! What kind of event were you on your way to attend, Liz? I bet it had nothing to do with parsnips!

Marie Smith said...

You look gorgeous! Quite the event.

Kathy G said...

You should make that your profile photo on EVERY social media platform!

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. As I said, sometimes you need a little lift!

Debra, I think it must have been one of Husband's work 'do's.

pam nash said...

I made mashed parsnips not long ago - they're a bit sweet. Doubt I'd replace potatoes with them though. Lovely photo.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Peidiwch รข cholli'ch pannas ?

Boud said...

That's a great glamor shot. And I expect once you master your Welsh you'll be equipped for any situation involving parsnips. It might be a bit specialized, but you can't have everything.