Thursday, April 01, 2021

Crazy or kind?

I was waiting to go into the chemist today and I noticed the woman in front looked very nice. She was a bit older than me and had shorter white hair, a nice purple jumper with toning bag, and sparkly bracelets. 

In the chemist, as she was leaving, I said, 'Can I just say how lovely you look?'

Her eyes popped up above her mask and she muttered, 'Thank you.' I think. The assistant spoke to her at the same time.

I told Husband and he thinks I'm the crazy woman. Have I been too influenced by all these memes telling us to be kind?

But she'd obviously thought about what she was putting on and taken care with it. Unlike me in my blue denim shorts, red baggy jumper, and yellow sandals.

In fact, when we then dropped the food off at Zac's, one of the women helping there said, 'Oh, you're wearing the nice jumper you were wearing last week.'

I didn't like to tell her I'd been wearing it every day.


PipeTobacco said...


What you said was kind. In my estimation I suspect:

1. You may have surprised the lady, who may have been having perhaps unhappy thoughts before, and your compliment and kindness startled her out of that mood, but she responded swiftly because of her startlement.


2. It could very likely be that she smiled UNDER her mask, yet may not have had much other movement of her eyes to give you that indication.

So.... even though she may have had a bit of an odd reaction..... I would bet she did feel happiness from your comment and it probably helped color her day more vividly afterwards.


Cop Car said...

To me, a sincere compliment is rarely out of place. I recall my mother's lamenting over the fact that, while men would compliment her, women rarely if ever did. As a result, I am conscious of complimenting other women. "That color goes so well with your hair!"..." that scent. It's so light and refreshing!"

Liz Hinds said...

I agree, CopCar, and PipeTobacco. An unexpected compliment can lift my spirits no end. So i shall continue being 'crazy'.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I would say it was Kind of you. When women are in the charity shop where I volunteer, I will now and again say "oh I love your boots or love your bag, whatever it is. More so if I am working at the till and they buy something. . But I wouldn't say it in a queue. Maybe you are kind and crazy.

On the word" Nice ". Someone on either Instagram or face book mentioned this. It is a word I wish we could shove in the back of somewhere. We need to find a different word. It might just be me. Hahah mostly probably is. I used to say" Nice is a biscuit " but Nice thhe biscuit is pronounced as Nice the city in the South of France.

Hope I haven't confused you too much.

Marie Smith said...

Better to bring a smile than a tear.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's always nice to get a compliment!

Polly said...

Ditto Marie. I do the same, recently to an assisstant in my pharmacy and a very dapper chap in a park. It's lovely to receive and give compliments.