Saturday, March 13, 2021

The good, the bad and the delicious

Yesterday GrandDaughter1 and I did another online cooking session. This time as a change from the sweet stuff we made garlic and mozzarella swirls.

And very yummy they were too.

I had planned to eat ours with cawl - welsh lamb stew - but I experienced a slight hiccup in the making.

I usually make it in the pressure cooker so I got it all going and then waited for it to come to pressure. And waited and waited. I noticed the little wibbly thing - I have no idea what it's for - was practically flying out of its hole. 

'Hm,' I thought, 'perhaps that's stopping it. I'd better bash it down.'

So I did. But I must have bashed a bit too hard ...

See that hole? That's where the little wibbly thing should be. Not in the pan along with the stew.

With no replacement to hand I had to leave it to cook slowly, while we had salad for tea. Not pleasing Husband one bit as he loves his cawl. And he has just reminded me I need to sort it out before the rugby starts this afternoon so it will be ready for dinner tonight

What do you think? Do I need to find the wibbly thing before serving? Or just hope neither of us eats it?


Kathy G said...

Your swirls look delicious. The only pressure cooker I know is the Instant Pot, so I'm no help.

Cop Car said...

The "little wibbly thing" is the pressure relief plug which keeps the vessel from over-pressurizing should the floater stem get plugged. (You knew that!) Since it is made to be in contact with the liquid in the foods being cooked, it shouldn't taint the food; but, I should be sure not to swallow it.

The rolls look delicious!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Time for a new pressure cooker, I think. And those swirls with salad would be delicious!

pam nash said...

Those garlic swirls look very good! As for a pressure cooker and its parts - be adventurous! Serve the stew and see what happens. It would be like finding the baby in the King Cake. Myself, I find pressure cookers just a bit scary. All I can see is the pot exploding and shooting stew everywhere!