Sunday, March 28, 2021

Apathitis rules

I've had a bad case of apathitis this week. Plenty I could do but lacking enthusiasm for any of it. Keep saying I'll pull myself together 'tomorrow' but, as we all know, tomorrow never comes. So I need to set myself a task and just get on with it. 

What I like to do when I feel like this is bake but I'm supposed to be dieting because I am fed up of all my clothes being too tight so that's really a no-no. Unless I'm desperate.

We had a lovely walk yesterday with Younger Son and family*, on a path I'd never taken before, complete with picnic in churchyard - but it was jolly cold and windy on the exposed hill top so we didn't linger there too long.

St. Ciwg's church, apparently redundant now although I believe it may be used for community activities.

There are some very old graves in the churchyard, like this one from 1796. Also some sad ones - 'Also Philip and Charles, infant sons of the above'. Surviving childhood was an achievement in those days. 

*Welsh restrictions are lifted now allowing travel throughout Wales rather than just locally - although that was a loose definition. I would say that we have abided by the spirit of the law rather than the letter, taking great care and being sensible. But I will be so glad when life can be more normal. Husband had his second jab this week and was a bit fluey after it for a day or so. I am still waiting for mine.

1 comment:

Cop Car said...

Failure of infants to thrive continued for another two hundred years, at least, attested to by the presence of two infants (my siblings) in my own family's burial plot - deaths dating from 1935 and 1940.