Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Too busy to rest

As part of the research program I was required today to spend half an hour resting. Would you believe I didn't have time to do it? And that was the bit I was looking forward to.

Ah, well, I can do it tomorrow.

Husband, of course, says, 'Only half an hour? You spend longer than that resting every day.'

While it's true I do spend a lot of time sitting at the computer, quite a large proportion of that is doing what I call work - writing, blogging, um, researching, marketing, and, um, stuff like that.

Today though I have exercised, walked George, made lasagne, cooked cakes, made a special treat for GrandSon2 for his birthday tomorrow, read stories and played with GrandSon4, and made a card for said birthday boy. I think I deserve a rest after that.


Marie Smith said...

That’s a pretty full day by the sound of it.

PipeTobacco said...

I like the idea of making cards! I have done so once in a while. But, I probably should do so more often. Lasagne sounds good to me!


pam nash said...

A very full day indeed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

One of my favourite quotations is: "How wonderful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterwards."