Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Another first for me

Pancake Day yesterday and for the first time ever I made American pancakes. I'm not even sure if I've ever eaten American pancakes before. We might have had some in Canada although I suppose they would be Canadian pancakes then.

These were the very first ones out of the pan when I was still working out how high the gas should be. Inevitably I turned it down too much and had to wait for ages for the next ones. Husband ate these with salted caramel ice cream and maple syrup. 

Although they were okay I think I prefer old-fashioned thin pancakes. 

But if it was Shrove Tuesday yesterday then Lent must be begin today. I normally try and do something for Lent but it sort of crept up on me. 

* * * * * * 
A lovely walk today, mild and pleasant. We even spotted our first frog spawn of the year. Now, you have to look very closely at the middle of the photo: you may just be able to spot the spawn.

Recent storms must have churned up the sea as there was an unusually high amount of seaweed on the beach, in some interesting formations.
The weather also affects the sand distribution in the bay. Once upon a time it was possible to walk right to the bottom of these steps. You see where the top of the handrail disappears? I don't think that's the end of it. I'm pretty sure it carries on for a bit longer before it ends.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

By thin pancakes, do you mean crepes? I've never heard regular pancakes called "American" before (or even "Canadian," for that matter). Or is it the toppings that make them "American"? Ice cream on pancakes strikes me as bizarre.

pam nash said...

Thin pancakes - crepes? That's what you eat ice cream with. Pancakes - lots of butter and maple syrup!

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, crepes which we call pancakes. We're obviously divided by our common language - or something like. Pancakes are thin! Ask any British person.

I suppose you wouldn't call them American/Canadian pancakes if you were in that country and they were the norm. Isn't this interesting?

Where do you stand on tea? I think that deserves a post.

Cop Car said...

I must be unAmerican. I would not want thick pancakes although my own pancakes, though thin, are not crepes. I make a very thin batter, pouring it into a hot iron skillet with a generous amount of grease (bacon grease in the old days, corn oil in the past 50 years) to provide crispy, thin pancakes. Toppings include butter plus sorghum molasses or maple syrup or brown sugar or ... but not ice cream. I like my pancakes best when they turn out lacy.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Where do I stand on tea? I think it is a pleasant warm beverage, but I rely on coffee for my morning caffeine intake.