Monday, December 14, 2020

Find Elf!

Take a deep breath. Secret Project is finished, cards are written, presents are wrapped, and life has calmed down in the Hinds household. So I'm back.

Although for one nasty moment today I thought I'd inadvertently done 'something'. I was trying to get on here and failing. As a suggested remedy was clearing cookies I did that - and then couldn't get on anything as I couldn't remember any of my passwords. And before you can change a password you have to know a different password. I feared I would get lost in a flurry of failure.

Turns out that Google was down. Phew. 

Anyway, now I can't remember any of things I thought, 'Must write about that on my blog.' Give me a moment, I'm sure it will come to me.

Or maybe not.

It's very unusual for me to be so organised about Christmas. Usually I get it into my head that for Christmas to be successful I must, absolutely must, have golden napkin rings or something of that ilk. And I find myself rushing around on a crazy search right up until Christmas.

So with Christmas plans still being very much up in the air I am calmly going with the flow. I did contemplate going and buying new decorations to light up the place, then remembered that would involve going to shops (I'd have to see them working in real life) and mixing with people. Having been forced to shop on Saturday - having run out of cards - and being stalked by a woman (okay, not stalked but she kept following me and was much too close for my liking) I've had enough.

We have very high Covid levels in Swansea so although the government has said that families can mix over the Christmas period - because obviously viruses take Christmas off too - we are a bit wary. Well, I'm not but everyone else is. Yes, I should be but the need to hug grandchildren is overwhelming.

I'm amusing myself in the meantime with photographing hidden Elf for the grandchildren to find. Sometimes it's easy to spot him, others less so. But I probably won't use the one where even I can't see him - and I hid him.

Bad weather was forecast for today but we made the most of a brief respite.


pam nash said...

So nice to know others have that same thing happen - that "uhhhh - what was I going to write again???" Fortunately for me, I will get to hug two of my grandchildren during Christmas.

Marie Smith said...

You have so much done! Well done! I am far behind. Hope to finish a special project tomorrow. Then the regular Christmas stuff will begin!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

A sudden lockdown has just started about 15 minutes ago so plans to top up the contents of the fridge tomorrow are being cancelled. What does a tuna and treacle sandwich taste like?

Liz Hinds said...

Enjoy the hugs, Pam. The forgetfulness happens too often!

It's a very unusual state for me to so prepared so far in advance, Marie, I assure you.

Having left ordering meat for Christmas until too late I'm currently thinking large pizza with turkey, stuffing and sprout topping, Sonata. Maybe a dash of treacle would help that go down well.

LL Cool Joe said...

Covid cases are on the increase in our area too, but I had to go card shopping for the family, it's one thing you can't really buy online and I had the same thing with people looking at cards far too close to me, even leaning over me to take a card. In the end I gave up!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That elf is indeed very well hidden! Cannot spot him at all!