Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Get a website up and running in 30 minutes!

I hardly dare say this but I think I'm getting there. After a week of under-my-breath swearing things finally seem to working properly.

Still a very long way to go to be anything like up and running but subscribers seem to be getting what they should now. And, apart from being very confused about most things, I'm feeling much more positive.

Today I've exercised*, made cakes, and worked on my new website. Some of these so-called simple sites aren't very intuitive. You'd think if you're not allowed to do something - usually because I'm on the cheap version rather than the pro - they'd tell you instead of just letting you keep on trying and shouting at the computer when it doesn't work.

As for that 'You can get your website done and live in thirty minutes' nonsense - don't get me started.

Have a cake instead. Double chocolate cupcakes or country apple cake.

*Lots of squatty things with weights in Gym with Jim. Think I will have achy legs and arms in a day or so.

P.S. Also discovered, while listening to a 60s pop song this morning, that he sings about his open arms not broken. Falling into them makes a lot more sense now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A double chocolate cupcake for me, please!

Liz Hinds said...

I'll put it in the post today, Debra!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh to start my day, Liz - broken arms, indeed. Luscious looking cakes.