Monday, September 14, 2020

The mystery of the Phantom Plaster

You know when you put a plaster on a cut on your foot sometimes it can pull the skin a bit? Well, it feels like that on my right side heel. Which is odd as I don't have a plaster on.

Just mentioned that really to give myself a title for this post, the real purpose of which is to say I am feeling rather pleased with myself.

I have made two good decisions this week - and it's only Monday!

This could bode well for the week. Or I may have used up all my sensibleness in one go. We shall see.

* * * * * 

It took me ages to get the previous post ready because the spacing went to pot. I don't understand HTML so was making things worse with my attempts to get rid of extra lines. If we have another lockdown coding is something I could learn. Or just continue with my occasional botches. Latter seems most likely. All available brain space is consumed by Welsh.

Husband meanwhile has been making raspberry jam.

And, after I said I would love to have a Sunday dinner cooked for me, he has offered to cook a proper Sunday roast next weekend. As he's never attempted a roast it will be interesting but I have complete faith in him.


Marie Smith said...

Your husband has been busy with jam for sure. You can’t beat homemade preserves!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That jam looks good!

Liz Hinds said...

It looks and smells good!