Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Oh George

The downstairs toilet is immediately next door to the study where I sit and work. I wanted to use it just now but George was lying with his feet in front of the door meaning he'd have had to move if I opened it.

Rather than disturb him I stepped over him and went upstairs.

Not that he's spoiled or anything.

Incidentally you may wonder about the toilet door i.e. most doors open in towards the room. This one used to but the previous owners changed it.

We're only the second owners of our house, which was built for a doctor and his family. He used the study as his consulting room and patients came to the house. One day one of his patients went to the toilet and passed out. Because it's only a tiny room they couldn't open the door to get to her. After that they changed the way the door opened.

I assume they did get her out somehow ...


Cop Car said...

A cogent reason for the change.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, that bathroom has quite the history!

Ole Phat Stu said...

All pub entrance doors in Germany must open outward.
No, I don't know the reason. I just assume it is so that the drunks can just fall out when leaving ;-)

Marie Smith said...

I can imagine that happening. I don’t know how we’d get into our main floor washroom in such a circumstance.

Polly said...

ha, ha, I love that you went upstairs rather than disturb George, that's what I would do with mine! Interesting toilet history, the change makes sense.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

All outer doors have to open outwards here too, in case of fire.

pam nash said...

Amazing the gyrations we go through to not disturb our furry family members! I climb out of my reclines over the Demon Duo who are sleeping on the foot rest!

Cop Car said...

A pocket door makes sense when it comes to choosing whether to take up space in a small room or to block a hallway egress. I changed over to a pocket door for a small bathroom in a tiny house 45 years ago and we have pocket doors at either side of our fair-sized laundry room in this house. Those laundry room doors stay open at least 95% of the time, being closed on occasion for noise control.

Ole Phat Stu said...

what are pocket doors?

Anonymous said...

Stu--Doors that slide into a wall to open rather than swinging on hinges. I don't know what they are called in other parts of the world. Wikipedia has an entry for "Pocket door". (I don't recall whether Liz is cool with our sharing links on her blog.)

Liz Hinds said...

I ave no objections to sharing links here, CopCar!

I'm trying to think of outer doors on public buildings here. No, I think they still open inwards.