Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Unbelievable truth

Forgive me, I am coming late to this.

I heard something unbelievable on the radio yesterday. It was in a programme called Unbelievable Truths, and it was indeed true. The programme invites four speakers to each talk/lie about a topic for a few minutes and include five truths in amidst the rest of the lies. The speaker gets points if the rest don't identify the true facts.

So last night one of the contestants was talking about weapons, and she said that a special rifle had been made for Christians. How we laughed - until we discovered it was true.

Back in 2015 - forgive me if you already know all this - a rifle manufacturer in Florida made an assault rifle decorated with the cross of the Knights Templar, and an excerpt from psalm 144: Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my arms for war, my fingers for battle.

According to the manufacturer they did it to stop it being used by Muslim terrorists. And guess who's got one?
Yep, Donald Trump Jr.

I can't decide what's most appalling about this.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Appalling, yes. Surprising, no.

Polly said...

That family encompass everything that is vile.

PipeTobacco said...

Everything is appalling about it. (Sigh)


nick said...

Christians who believe in diplomacy and negotiation rather than violence and weapons must be utterly bemused by the USA's love affair with guns - and giving those guns a religious blessing.

Marie Smith said...

Me either. Why doesn’t it surprise me?

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Nothing about the Trumps surprises one.

pam nash said...

Somehow, I'm not surprised - horrified? appalled? disgusted? all yes! but not surprised.