My Welsh learning continues. I stalled for a while going back over old lessons to refresh my very-short memory, but now I'm on 'have'.
Mae pum mochyn gyda fi. I have five pigs, or to read it the way it's written, five pigs have I.
Younger Son has started learning Italian with Duolingo. I wondered if the courses followed the same route but they don't. He was learning how to say, 'I have ants on my plate,' before I could have said it. Actually I still can't as I don't know the words for ants or plate.
But they obviously direct study to words that will be appropriate in that particular country. So one of the first words I learned was cennin for leeks, followed soon after by draig goch for red dragon. The first musical instrument I've learned is telyn, harp.
But it's the weather one that tickles me most. I have the words for wet, dry, sunny, cloudy, foggy, warm, cold, stormy, windy, snow, rain and hail. I still don't know the word for hot. I assume the creators thought we wouldn't have much call to use it in Wales. But one term they have included is ddiflas. Mae hi'n ddiflas heddiw. It's miserable today.
I think of it as a particularly Welsh description but do others describe the weather as miserable?
Incidentally - mae hi'n dwym a heulog heddiw. It is warm and sunny today. I'd tell you it's hot but I can't.
Yes, we in the States have miserable weather - usually applied when it is dark, dreary, and drippy. Brutal is how I've labeled our weather of the last few weeks - hot and humid.
Have you learned any swear words in Welsh yet? Those are the truly useful words.
We have miserable weather here too. I could say it in Texan, but it would be all swear words! Cool language you are learning!
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