Friday, July 31, 2020

The masked woman

My latest article for The Bay is largely about mask wearing. You'll find it here.

Yesterday when wearing my mask I bumped into someone I know slightly but whom I haven't seen for years. He recognised me.

So that's scuppered any plans I may have been concocting for a bank robbery.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

YeeHaw, pardner, love the illustration accompanying your Bay article!

Liz Hinds said...

It's cool, isn't it? The designer is very talented.

Polly said...

As I was reading your excellent post for the Bay, I was saying, in my mind, in a Texas drawl 'Get off your horse and drink your milk’! Don't abandon the plans, he knew you, strangers won't!!

Marie Smith said...

I find it harder to hear people when I can’t watch their lips. However, that is preferable to Covid.