Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The magic of photoshop

My desk is covered in little notes I write to myself but do you think any one of them tells  me the time of my hair appointment on Saturday?

Must phone to check - and sooner rather than later if I want to avoid another funeral fiasco.

I posted the photo of my grey roots on Facebook and asked whether I should give in gracefully. Strangely enough - I thought - most people said yes. They suggested giving it a try anyway. One of my clever arty friends photoshopped some pictures for me to judge.

I've made my decision. Apparently grey is trendy these days.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Personally, I think white/silver hair is HAWT. I've never dyed my hair but friends who dyed theirs for years told me that it's a huge relief to finally get off that endless merry-go-round. Plus it saves them boatloads of money apparently.

Cop Car said...

I second Debra's comment.

Marie Smith said...

It looks good. grey is the new blond.

PipeTobacco said...

Both natural and the color you choose look nice. I would go with whichever feels best when you are there. There is no wrong in either choice (which is refreshing for many choices these days).

As a hirsute GUY, coloring of hair is less socially accepted (even though I *could* do it), but.... it just seems more challenging than I want to attempt.... especially the idea of trying to color a beard and mustache seems unpleasant.... and inevitably not TASTY (I think I would undoubtably get some flavor at of the hair dye in my mouth.). :)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

You're lucky, you look good, either grey or blonde. It depends how keen you are on trips to the haidresser.

Liz Hinds said...

What is HAWT, Debra?

Will let you know what I decide on Saturday!

nick said...

Slightly strange when I'm so used to your previous colour, but yes, it suits you!

Geo. said...

I don't register hair color that much. It is incidental compared to your beautiful face and smile.

pam nash said...

Grey is absolutely trendy!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think gray/silver looks great!!