Saturday, July 11, 2020

In which GrandSon2 puts me to shame

On our walk yesterday GrandSon2 asked me, 'If a genie gave you three wishes, what would you wish for?'

While I was thinking he said, 'I'd ask it to get rid of Covid,' he paused, 'and then I think I'd save the other two wishes in case something like this happened again.'

Which makes my, 'I'll have an ice cream supplier in the garden to give me any ice cream I want whenever I want it and all for free,' look rather shallow.

Now I'm trying to think of the word I was going to use to describe him. Not generous or charitable or a benefactor but something people are called, which may or may not have a 'u' in it.

* * * * * * 
Funny sort of day today, couldn't be bothered. Lots of things I could do but can't be bothered. It's been sunny for part of the day, downright hot in fact, so I lay out in it and almost fell asleep. 

But it's been a 'food on my mind' sort of day. Been hungry all day! So I've snacked and eaten. I think it may be because I hadn't planned my shopping properly so we don't have anything - by which I, or Husband anyway, mean meat - for dinner. So I was dreaming of takeaways and thinking of thrown-together meals and, again, couldn't decide. 

I had to choose eventually: it's home-made oven chips - but not Slimming World type - chicken burgers (Husband), left-over ratatouille (me), and salad. Bit odd but it will fill the gap. I hope.

Change of plan. Discovered that what I thought was a bag of salad is, in fact, a bag of 28-day-old spinach. Yep, been that sort of day.


PipeTobacco said...

It is funny, I too have been feeling especially ravenous the last two days myself. What are Slimming World chips? I am kind of assuming it is a brand name of lower fat french fries (US term for what I anticipate are similar enough to British chips, but please correct me if I am wrong). We sometimes have very low fat french fries (when baked) in a brand here called Or’ida (I think I spelled it correctly.). But lately, what we have been doing more, instead, is to chop potatoes into cubes and coat them with a package of dried onion soup mix and baking them. It is easy and they taste really nice.... you might like them.


PipeTobacco said...

Oh, and I am sorry about the spinach!!!! I presume it was inedible after that length of time. I would be frustrated, as I tend to eat a gargantuan salad every day.... much to my wife’s chagrin sometimes.... I have a big, square baking pan that is 12 inches by 12 inches and about 3 inches deep, and I fill it to the brim every day with salad for me to eat. The salad size my wife prefers is much smaller (normal small bowel sized). :)


Debra She Who Seeks said...


Marie Smith said...

Your grandson is quite the thinker! Wonderful!

I love those meals of bits and pieces!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Generous is the word I'd use.

Liz Hinds said...

PipeTobacco, SW chips are chipped potatoes sprayed with 1-Cal cooking spray and roasted in the oven. So lower calorie. Slimming World is the slimming group. Your potatoes sound nice though. That is a lot of salad you eat! I'm more a bowl-sized person like your wife.

Could be altruistic, Debra. Sounds sort of right.

Our dinner was surprisingly good, Marie. Probably helped by the left-over rhubarb crumble for afters!

Yes, a generous little boy, Sonata.

Cop Car said...

I would call your grandson wise. Perhaps he will go into medical research and save his generation from ravages of another scourge.

pam nash said...

Very thoughtful grandson, you have. (I'd have probably wished for the ice cream thing too!)