When I told Husband he reminisced about his own grandmother. Grandparents were different in those days. She was only about sixty when she died but she would never have been seen in shorts, and certainly didn't run around like an idiot. 'She had a big coat and looked like the Giles grandmother,' he said.
* * * We interrupt this blog post for an emergency * * *
Husband came in from the garden with blood pouring down his leg. He mopped it up, put some Savlon on, and went back out, only to return a short while later.
'I think it needs a bandage,' he said.
Now if you know me you will know that blood and me don't get on, but I am pleased to report that the girl dun good. Washed, dried, creamed, and bandaged her man - all without fainting and only a tiny bit of queasiness.
* * * * * *
My grandmother didn't look like that but she was formidable nevertheless. A strong woman in many ways. I suppose to children grandparents are always old but they were much older in those days. Dressed and behaved like old people.
My grandmother on the right and great-grandmother in the middle.
I had a similar grandmother. She was a product of the time too, wore dresses all the time and hats to church. She was old at sixty but she was worn out really. I loved her dearly.
That picture of the women in your family is precious!
Both my grannies looked suitably granny-ish, after all it was the Fifties, huge handbags and all. But both seemed to have endless energy and were interested in everything and everybody and, of course, were only the age that I am now.
I expect they'd be wearing jeans and have little rucksacks today.
Fond memories of grandmothers...good!
Our foremothers had a much harder life than have most of us. I always found them amazing. Most of the time that I spent around my grandmothers was in the 1940s - and they were farming. They did look worn out before their times even though they were only 40-50 years old when I was born. One grandmother read to us kids; the other always had chewing gum in her purse - not that we were often treated to it you understand. Although they didn't really play with us kids, they did work with us. I remember that one grandmother let me help her paint her house at about age 10.
I compliment you on your nursing skills!
Grandmothers were stately and sedate when I was a kid. One of my grandma's idea of a good time was sitting in her rocking chair and watching "Hymn Sing" on TV. Of course, she was in her 70s. Still, I know perfectly well I won't be doing that in 10 years when I'm her age. I'll be sitting in my recliner and probably watching Marvel superhero movies. BIG difference, lol!
I only knew one grandmother for a few years, she was quite old and had dementia or Alzheimer's. I've seen photographs of my great grandmother and she looks formidable, but I was told she was very kind and lots of fun. They were different, I think because they probably followed tradition.
Grannies all had perms, sensible shoes and never wore bright colours.
One of mine made her three daughters matching sensible dresses, and, lucky me, one to match! I remember it was grey seersucker and as an eight year old I wasn't too captivated.Neither were they.
My nan was traditional but with a rebellious streak. She smoked, taught me to play card games and was kinda fun. She also took me to church and gave me my first Bible. I quite often stayed at her house and loved her to bits.
My grandmother was in her middle 60's when I was born and of a time when rolling around on the floor was not a thing. But I still have bits and pieces of memories of she and I playing, running up the stairs at her house, going with her on the train to see my aunt. She's been gone for 50 years now and I still miss her.
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