Friday, July 17, 2020

I did something stupid

I gave up submitting my writing to agents/publishers long ago but this week ... I saw a post on Twitter about a One Day Pitch event. 'Tell me about your book in 240 letters. If I like it I'll get straight back to you.'

What have a I got to lose? said the ever-optimistic Me.

Needless to say, she didn't get back to me, and I am left surprisingly downhearted by the rebuff. (Why 'surprisingly'? Because even when you tell yourself it won't happen you still hope it will. As I've said before, hope is a dreadful thing.)

Another chip off the self-belief and confidence in my writing.

Must pull self together and not give into temptation to have a cheese toastie for lunch.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Their loss, Liz, their loss!

PipeTobacco said...

Are you sure it is not just a delay? It seems a publishing firm would not want to have a reputation for non-response. It seems they should send all submitters a positive or negative response.


Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Debra.

No, PipeTobacco, the rules/instructions were very clear. I understood that. never mind.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Disheartening but you were brave enough to jump straight in and try. Well done! And let's hope the next publisher's more sensible.

pam nash said...

Could be it's not you - could be the twitter person was just looking for hot sex or ghastly murders rather than good writing. Besides, if you don't bite the bullet and continue to submit things, you're assured nothing will be published. Keep on, keeping on!