Tuesday, July 07, 2020

How was it for you?

What do you think? Retro? Or in need of a haircut?
I quickly pushed it back from my face after the photo. Can only cope with hair flopping for so long. Then we went for a lovely walk with Daughter and GrandDaughter2, whose siblings are back in school on Tuesday mornings so she gets bored.

Mama and baby cows on the golf course

Three Cliffs valley from Pennard Castle
* * * * * *
Very disappointed to have put on weight for the second week running. The first week we did indulge in a number of treats but we were good last week so very annoyed. I'm not fat but if my weight increases each week I soon will be!

I'd like to say that it's muscle developing as a result of my exercising but I hardly think ten minutes a day of gentle exercise is going to build very heavy muscles.

* * * * * *
However I have to say that my lockdown has been productive. I've kept to an exercise regime, I'm still learning Welsh, I've produced a podcast, done odd bits of art, and finished writing my novel, as well as keeping us fed and reasonably clean. Not to mention lots of reading and jigsaw doing.

I would say I deserve chocolate but after this morning's weigh-in ...


Anna said...

I told you, you haven't really done lockdown until you've had a DIY haircut! Get on it!

Ole Phat Stu said...

But how many books have you read during lockdown?

pam nash said...

Lovely hair - a bit 70's but still nice. I would, however, have it pulled back with half a dozen hair clips. But, I live in the hot part of the universe.

Liz Hinds said...

I'll wait for the hairdresser to open, thank you!

About thirty, Stu.

It didn't stay like that for long, Pam - just the photo. I brushed it back off my face. Clips might be a good idea.

Geo. said...

Great photos! Especially like the top one. Longer bangs emphasize your cheeks and lovely smile.