Saturday, July 18, 2020

A difficult decision

I have made a very difficult decision today. Have your hankies ready ... (George is fine, don't worry!)

It is time to throw out our Fisher Price house. 
Someone - Husband I think - stood on it and broke the roof. He repaired it once but it cracked again. His latest attempts have been unsuccessful. Even if he could find a glue stronger than 'Very Very Very Strong Glue' there would still be sharp edges.

Our three children played with this house as have six of our seven grandchildren but I wouldn't go out and buy anything dangerous for them so I can't justify the risk, just because it's old and much-loved. I've hung on to it for as long as I possibly could, and they're like gold dust - and as expensive - on ebay. 

Oh well, here's a photo of my first sunflower. I think it's probably the first one I've ever grown successfully. 

Husband came home from his walk and I told him I was throwing the house away. He said, 'Aw, all the children loved that.'
He went and picked it up from where I'd left it by the back door ready to go out. 'I suppose I could try sticking it again - but it will still have sharp edges.'
'We could cover those with tape?'

Incidentally, the forty-year-old house has been sitting mournfully in the dining-room for the last six months waiting to see if Husband could mend it. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The magic of duct tape!

Cop Car said...

Although I am a huge fan of "structural tape", I am also a huge fan of "Crazy Glue". Nearly anything can be fixed with one or the other (or both). Let's hope you continue to enjoy your house for many years.

PipeTobacco said...

Yeah!!!! The house is saved!! I am glad. You know, it you wanted to be “crafty” (double pun intended), you could perhaps get one of those common plastic file folders in a reddish color... fold and glue that atop of the roof instead of duct tape so it would blend in a bit more. And I bet a silicone adhesive would work well to attach it and to blunt any sharp edges.

Polly said...

hooray the house has a reprieve. It might be worth putting it on ebay, it's amazing what repairs miniaturists can do. It would be such a shame to throw it away.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Fisher Price take pride in their toys which are virtually unbreakable and they'll often replace any bit that has suffered. I should write and ask them if they can help. You never know!

Marie Smith said...

We have an old barn with animals that the kids love. The youngest is now three and I imagine the old barn will be on its way out too.. Ha ha. It’s hard to let go of toys which were treasured.

pam nash said...

If you decide to not keep the little house, check with your children - one of them might want to keep it for sentimental reasons!