Monday, June 29, 2020

No peeing, by order

This morning while walking I made myself a list: B, B, F, and F.

Brush, Buzzsprout, flea and freezer. Three out of four tasks completed and will brush George later.

I've only learned to appreciate hydrangeas in recent years: I used to find them boring.

Such variety and wonderful colours. I believe the colour depends on the acidity of the soil  so maybe that explains this unusual sign:
It's in between two hydrangeas on a tiny patch of land alongside the pavement, outside of a garden but presumably tended by the householder. We're used to 'No Pooping' signs but 'No Peeing' seems a bit extreme - unless the gardener is worried that that the acidity of the urine will affect the colour of his hydrangeas?


Hena Tayeb said...

Lovely hydrangeas.

nick said...

Brush, Buzzsprout, Flea and Freezer. That's either a firm of solicitors or an estate agent. And possibly Mr Brush's first name is Basil.

Our hydrangea bush hasn't flowered yet. I can't quite remember what the colour is, but I think it's blue. Acidic soil rather than alkaline then.

Marie Smith said...

I’ve never seen one of those signs either!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love hydrangeas too but it is too dry on the prairies to grow them here. They thrive on the west coast of Canada though, in British Columbia!

LL Cool Joe said...

We have hydrangeas which I think are all blue. I do like them but not when the flowers die and you get the brown cauliflowers all over the plant.

Cop Car said...

One of my grandmothers had a hydrangea at the north end of her screened-in front porch. Memory fails me as to the color it bloomed or whether she spread anything on the soil around it to encourage her favored color. As I really like brown, I don't object to the brown "cauliflowers" that eventually occur.

Polly said...

I've got an established pink hydrangea and a small white one.

pam nash said...

Beautiful flowers - I love them!