Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Escape to the country

Daughter and her children went foraging and collected elder flowers, which Daughter used to make cordial. they brought me a bottle and it's very yummy.

And today Husband and I joined them for a walk to the beach. It was Husband's first time in the car since lockdown began, and my first pleasure excursion.

We paddled across the river - VERY cold - made stone towers.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like a lovely day!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

There is, it seems, after lockdown!

Polly said...

Hurrah, what a lovely day you had. I love elderflower cordial but have never made it.

Marie Smith said...

It looks like a great area for a walk.

pam nash said...

Looks like a wonderful day spent in a lovely place with those you love!