Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Double World Record Holder!

That's me!

Alongside my Most People Doing a Welsh Folk Dance title I now have a Most People Doing an Online Lesson title. And I have a certificate to prove it!
So what shall I do next? Most Ice Creams Eaten in One Day after Coronavirus? I could do that I reckon.

What else have I been up to? Oh yes, I'm doing MyNoWriMo again. Back in February I successfully completed the challenge I set myself of writing over 50,000 words in a month. Since then I've hardly done any work on my new novel so, in order to get it finished, I'm doing the same again. Not trying to write over 50,000 words but to write every day and enough to finish the book.

Day 3 and the first rainy day for weeks so it should have been a good opportunity to get on with it without the distraction of having to go and sit in the sun. Let's just say I have written; I won't specify how many words. But I've maintained my record of writing each day.

What is annoying us at the moment is the fact that Amazon Prime has suddenly removed Madam Secretary from its Free to View list! We were only halfway through Season 4. It is very annoying especially as it was our go-to programme. Still on the grand scale of things I suppose it's not a lot to get upset about.

This is what greets us as we open the front door. The giant foxglove's babies are all flowering.

And I can't help but wonder what suddenly occurred to the pilot of this plane that made him change direction so dramatically. It looks like the sort of swerve I might do if I suddenly found a spider crawling up my leg while driving.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

TWO World Record Breaker certificates! You're on a roll! I'm impressed!

Polly said...

Your garden looks very nice. I like foxgloves.

Marie Smith said...

I enjoyed Madame Secretary! A great program. Makes me wonder what the U.S. would be like now had Hilary been elected.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Your foxglove would completely fill my balcony!