Saturday, June 06, 2020

The good and the bad of the new rules

Under the new lockdown rules, Daughter and children came to visit yesterday. We sat in the garden and socially distanced. We discovered I can still chase them as long as they don't take advantage of the fact that I'm not allowed to catch them, and football's a good distance sport if they are only two of you playing.

However GrandSon2 said, 'The trampoline's not as much fun when you're not on it,' and 'If I were a genie I'd wish Coronavirus away for ever.' And GrandDaughter2 was upset going home in the car as she couldn't have cuddles.

Huge enormous sighs.

I got very depressed the other day thinking pessimistically that we'd never be able to hug again, but then, as I said to Husband, 'If no-one outside families can hug boys and girls won't be able to kiss or fall in love or get married and have babies, and so humanity would come to an end. So we have to be able to hug again one day for the sake of humanity.'

So with that cheerful thought, I'll tell you that I had to go to the chemist yesterday to get Husband's prescription, and  man passing the queue outside stopped and said I had the best mask he'd seen. I don' think he noticed I had it on upside down.

Sometimes there are days when only a Victoria sponge will do.

And to finish I'll draw your attention to an item Husband just sent me from the BBC website. Apparently railway workers in Essex spotted a pair of feet near the line but could see no sign of life. Officers rushed to the scene to find a perfectly-well nude male sunbather.

British Transport Police has since issued a warning: Please don't sunbathe nude on the railway.


Marie Smith said...

Lol. I think the Covid isolation has caused a number of people to do do and say unusual things, some of them high profile people.

Cop Car said...

Some thought that COVID-19 was here to kill enough people to solve the over-population problem; but, it is the social distancing that will do the job.
; )

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Since when do young horny teenagers ever obey the rules?

pam nash said...

I practice social distancing - no friendship hugs or handshakes, no getting closer than 6 feet. I worry for my grandchildren as they are 20-something and more apt to think of themselves as invincible (like all young people do).