Monday, May 25, 2020

Whistle down the grass

Husband demonstrates one of his many skills.
And I decide it's time I learned.

And here, just for Debra, is last night's dinner.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that broccoli just brightens it RIGHT UP! And keep practising the grassy whistle, Liz, you'll get it eventually!

Marie Smith said...

My husband showed the kids how to do that last week. Obviously a universal skill!

pam nash said...

Ah - the green adds bright color - a perfect dish!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I haven't tried that for years (the whistle I mean, not the broccoli) and I'm not tempted by urban grass. Something else to look forward to post lockdown!
Broccoli soup's really good, too, if you've got some extra and some blue cheese …………..

PipeTobacco said...

Ohh! Blue Cheese.... in broccoli soup...... sounds UTTERLY amazing!!!!!! Never thought of it before.

Thank you!


PipeTobacco said...


The video of your husband was wonderful! I had to go out and do that too.... it has been decades since I last did that!!!!


Leslie: said...

We always did that as kids! And showed our kids how, too! Keep practicing, Liz!

Bonnie said...

I used to whistle like your husband. No suitable grass here in my yard.

Polly said...

I've just watched your husband's excellent grass blowing, Rufus jumped up from his bed, very alert and went to investigate! Keep practising Liz :-)

Lisa said...

I've never been able to master the whistle thing. I haven't thought of it in years.