British politics has sunk to new depths. It's been going down over the last few years but now I have to wonder if it will be possible to raise it again.
Honesty and integrity have gone missing - and no-one in parliament seems to be able to do anything about it. I do not believe all politicians are in it for their own benefit, and some - many - have spoken out about recent and not so recent untruths. But they disappear, their voices are ignored, and nothing changes.
This week the Prime Minister, in defence of his aide, said he had never needed glasses before he had Covid-19; a feature in the Daily Mail - as far from a leftie rag as you can imagine - from some time ago had the headline, 'Boris says he's blind as a bat without his glasses!'
The thing is, Johnson didn't need to say that. He could have stuck to his usual, 'He did what he thought best at the time,' and left it at that. But he felt obliged to lie. And if he will lie when he doesn't need to, then how can we trust him?
We should have learned. Remember when the Brexit bus appeared and claimed that leaving the EU would result in £350 million a week going into the NHS instead of Europe? When all the flaws/lies in that were pointed out the slogan quickly disappeared, and people forgot. And gave the Conservatives under Johnson a huge majority in the General Election.
Is that what Johnson and Cummings are hoping for now? Give it time and it'll all go away and by the next election we'll be fine. I fear they're right.
Because I feel so helpless. And what angers me most is not the breaking of lockdown rules. It's the way so many contracts have been awarded to companies with links to Cummings. Oh, and the lies, and the smirks.
I am not usually angry enough to take action but I am going to write to the Prime Minister, my MP (even though he's Labour), the ... I was going to say head of the Conservative party but that's probably the PM, so, someone important in the Tories. You see, I'm not a political person; I don't know how these things work, but we are supposed to live in a democracy.
Have we hit rock bottom? I hope not but fear so.
Illegitimi non carborundum. Husband said this to me this morning, and I've noticed that Stu also said it in earlier comments. Sadly not a genuine Latin phrase but good enough.
Yes, the state of politics all around the world is enough to make one despair these days.
It is good to express your concern over issues important to you.
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